Tuesday, January 19, 2016

East Coast Weekend Snow Threat

 Following up the past 2 winters, this snow season has been a big disappointment for snow lovers. It was not completely unexpected though. See Meteorologist Chris Vickers spot-on predictions here: http://bit.ly/1njgPGp

Right now we only sitting near 50% of normal snowfall in Toledo. And with the weather pattern very active it would seem our chances to climb out of deficit would be high. But not so fast....

A clipper moves through the midwest and southern Great Lakes tonight. Leaving on a small chance for any accumulation locally. Better snow totals will be south of St. Louis along the Ohio River. 

Meanwhile another big winter storm is taking aim at the east coast. This will be the biggest winter storm to date with some locations getting over 1 FOOT of snow. 

While this snow may not fall locally, it could have big travel impacts. According to a study by the US Department of Transportation -- during a major winter storm in 2010 along the east coast over 2300 flight were cancelled: http://1.usa.gov/1ZKNbuG

These flight cancellations can cause a ripple down effect across the entire country. If you have travel plans to airports in the US this weekend, keep this in mind. Plan ahead and be sure to keep a close eye on your flights. 

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